WsSe3 - FineOffset WH2310 > WH2310 Console#1****
WsSe3_sdr - FineOffset WH2310 > SDR#1 [nooelec / RTL2832U + R820T2]
WsSe3b - FineOffset WH2310SE > WH2310SE Console#2****
WsSe3b_sdr - FineOffset WH2310SE > SDR#2 [nooelec / RTL2832U + R820T2]
WsSe3c - FineOffset WS90 > ecowitt Gateway#1 [GW2000]
WsSe3c_sdr - FineOffset WS90 > SDR#3 [nooelec / RTL2832U + R820T2]
WsSe3d - Davis VP2 > meteostick [smartbedded / RFM69]
WsSe3e - FineOffset WS68 > ecowitt Gateway#2 [GW1100]
WsSe3e_sdr - FineOffset WS68 > SDR#4 [newgen. / RTL2832U + R860]***
WsSe3e_sdr2 - FineOffset WS68 > SDR#5 [generic / RTL2832U + FC0012]***
WsSe3f - Peet Bros. Ultimeter 100 > Ultimeter 100 Junction Box/Display (cabled)
External WU Databases - sensor & uploading device:
[WH2310 RPi]
[WH2310SE RPi]
[WS90 GW]
[VP2 RPi]
[WS68 GW]
[Ultimeter100 RPi]
*** = Wind direction decoding from 270° to 360° for the WS68 not correctly implemented in the SDR driver yet
**** = Consoles may auto-switch between WH2310 and WH2310 SE, depending on rx quality
note: raw values, measuring errors aren't cleaned up for now
note2: due to mounting limitations with the current pole setup, some sensor positions might not be ideal, specially the Ultimeter100
note3: SDR#2 for WH2310SE rx was n/a repeatedly from 2024-01-23 to 2024-07-29 due to USB connection error, affecting [WsSe3b_sdr] database
note4: ws-gateway#2 (GW1100) for WS68 rx was offline from 2024-02-18 to 2024-08-12 due to firmware error, affecting [WsSe3e] database
Info: New Station online: Ultimeter 100 [WsSe3f] since 2024-10-10
Info2: WS68 [WsSe3e, WsSe3e_sdr, WsSe3e_sdr2] values too low from 2023-07-11 to 2024-10-10 due to tilted mounting arm, repaired on 2024-10-10
Info3: WH2310SE humidity sensor defect since 2024-04-22
WS90: 11.5 m.ü.G
VP2: 11m.ü.G
WH2310: 11m.ü.G
WH2310SE: 10.5m.ü.G
WS68: 10.5m.ü.G
Ultimeter100: 10m.ü.G